"Bagaimana kamu masih boleh melakukan maksiat sedangkan kamu tidak dapat bertahan dengan panasnya terik matahariKU" - Hadis Qudsi

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Yasmin Ahmad

Semalam, tgk Muallaf . Tetibe rindu nk baca blog Yasmin Ahmad.

"Bila aku rindu, aku buka blog kamu"

Despite, watever people say about her and her movies, wat matters the most is to understand what her intention is.

What is the message behind.

Though, how she potrayed it sometimes, questionable and controversial, and some of them i din't go along as well, but that should not overshadow what she's trying to say. Her works are vindicated as it is full with social critics that is sooo true. Thus, read the big picture, people. The big picture.

and i do think she is a good Muslim, afterall.

ps: "....to the point of being annoying, especially to people who think that being cynical and cold is cool.." - Yasmin Ahmad - You know wat Kak Min, im with you on this .

pps: Aku tgk Muallaf dengan Tafsir Quran dekat tangan. Kak Min pesan macam tu sebab banyak scene Rohana suka quote numbers from ayat-ayat AlQuran.


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