"Bagaimana kamu masih boleh melakukan maksiat sedangkan kamu tidak dapat bertahan dengan panasnya terik matahariKU" - Hadis Qudsi

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Life’s mischievous – The bus ride.

Hi! Its been a while ( maybe a-long-time-ago..a very-very-long time ago) since my last post. Its not that, nothing special had occurred in my precious boisterous life, seriously lots of good stuff had occurred. Like for now, im staying off-campus instead of in-campus like for the past 3 years. And, guess what? I had fun! Tones of them! Basically, here, im surrounded by most of my friends that Ive known for the past 4 years of my stayed. Right down from Pasum till now. There are others that are new to me, though, but they’re all great.

What kinda fun? Well, I cant really explained it. It’s a feel of being more responsible of yourself and try to think like an adult regardless the toughness experience living outside campus and knowing that you need to fight for survival

Fight for survival… sounded tough kan? Cam poyo jer..but seriously, no joke here..

Especially when it come to this little hard task called the adventure of the bus ride , specifically tyme BEREBUT NAK NAIK BAS.. definitely a real life survival task y’know! Especially time nak pg lecture pagi-pagi and time nak balek kelas petang2.. ohh.. you really don’t hv the idea how hard it is.

Well, some people cant see this in a true eye, for basically they don’t really experience it like we do!

Okey, how hard can berebut naik bas be.

Let me drag you in this situation.

Its Ramadan. And I just finish my late evening class at sharp 6 o’clock. The watch now is showing 6.30pm. Means my precious 30 minutes had gone just like that. Dah la makanan berbuka belum beli lagi. Hurm..its sure is menguji kesabaran. Its not that the bus are late or somewhat, but the buses are really filled and packed. Like a packed packed! definitely you have seen one right? So, I’m so not going to kill my self by standing at the edge of the bus just to go home. It’s a big no-no to me, definitely. But to my insanity, im still stuck in the campus , like in the very moment . I AM STILL HERE and the jam is pointing 632pm . Just great! SAYA BELUM BELI MAKANAN BERBUKA LAGI!
The greatest great thing ever!

Few minute later, a bus came by. Oh..thank God! So, hundreds of black and white ( its only a skin deep , people.. no hurts feeling.. plz..) people are standing un-Q-ed, for course like Malaysian always do. Menanti dengan penuh debar. With the feeling of adakah-sy-akan-masuk-atau-saya-terpaksa-tunggu-lagi. Yea! Llike that’s going to happen. I wll, this time make a very sure of my self that I am definitely going to get onto this bus. So, I stand firmly on the side of the bus, where it’s an easy way to get in because, kat tepi org tak ramai. Sometime I do, don’t get it why do people want to stand in the middle, susah weih nak masuk because people for the side will tolak ko ke tepi. Get it? You, guys?

With all the strength left from the Ramadan , and the skilled that hv developed since junior high school , I managed to get in the bus! Yeay!! Tapi tak dapat duduk la..kan? dah dapat naik pun dah syukur. Saya terus bergerak ke belakang, sebab saya tahu ramai lagi yang nak naik. Dan saya tak mahu menjadi seorg yg selfish. Macam saya seorg yang nak naik. Tapi malangnya, org belakang saya tak mahu ke belakang. Hee.. mnarah betul saya. Pentingkan diri betul. Cuba kalau awak ynag berada di luar bus sekarang, ramai lagi. Mesti awak akan marah kan kalau org belakang tak nak pegi belakang. Sebab banyak empty spaces.

“Erm, cik boley tolong pg belakang sikit tak? “

Akhirnya dapat jugak saya ckp.

“kalau awak nak pergi, awak pergi la” seraya itu, dia menginjak sedikit seperti memberi saya ruang untuk berjalan.

I was like, ‘WHAT!!!!!!!’

Mai aih.. tak perlu kowt, takut tak dapat turun.


Maka saya pun mengijak. Maka dapat la a few people more masuk bus..

Kat situ kite boley belajar satu perkara mengenai hidup, that PEOPLE LIVE FOR THEMSELVES. MANUSIA HIDUP UNTUK DIRI SENDIRI.

True, right? Nobody ever said that hidup itu adil, where u are ought to fight to get in the bus maybe only a crap example, but it magnify the world, kan?

Okey, so now the bus move. Great, right? The bus is moving . Lega skit.. in 10 minutes time sampai la aku kat umah nih.. sempat lagi kalu beli nasi bungkus dekat simpang.Sreronoknya!

After a few yard away from the bust stop tadi.. guess what?

Jalan jam pulak..

Dekat I kilometer gak la panjang de.. Astagfirullah al adzhim..

Memnag menguji ketahanan mental dan fizikal bulan2 pose nih..akhirnya, jam 7 da sepuluh minet jugak la aku sampai rumah. Thank God, one of my housemiey masak.. so bley la tumpang rezeki org..

That is one tiny part of having a bus ride, and it is just one of the part where teach us that life isn’t always a bed of roses. Sometimes you need to do what you need to do to achieve things. Sometimes, in order to do that u sacrifices other people. Your friends, your family sometimes you even have to sacrifices yourself.

An easy example apabila kita dapat tawaran untuk sambong study di tempat yang jauh. Kita korbankan banyak benda kan? Kita korbankan duit mak ayah kita, kita korbankan masa kita bersama keluarga, sebab belajar jauh susah nak balek selalu.. kita korbankan tv ( ini yg paling pyh nih..) , kita korbankan ayam dan kambing ( sebab ade certain2 keluarga, bila anak dapat sambong belajar, diorg buat kenduri kesyukuran) and etc etc ..

Ye..ye saye tau! Contoh di atas tidaklah begitu murni.. tapi memadailah.. saya kira kalian tahu maksud saya bukan..<-- perghh tetiba ckp nak karisma..kan?

Till then..

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