for this semester, im taking tis course of Pendidikan kanak-kanak berkeperluan khas.
At first, aku tak lah pikir ape2 sgt.. just take the klas for the sake of to fulfil my complussory couse.. subject luar faculty.. Kalau tak amik tak boley grad pulak nanti..
so as to say..
aku pon pg la kelas tersebut..
dok sorang2 kat belakang..
everything was fine with me..
until the lecturer came and have her lecture.. that was also fine with me.. until she give the assigment that
we, the student have to form a group..
also fine with me..
so, i just enter a group.. consist of me, pia, dila, ho and zila..
so the assg is to go to a place or association that uphold or memperjuangkan nasib kanak2 kurang upaya.. hurm.. basically its not that memperjuangkan lah.. its more to a place to help these poor people to fight for their live , to enable them to berdiri di atas kaki sendiri..
so, we choose to go to SMK Bangsar..
Here , is an arus perdana school that have a special programme for this kinda people..
at my very ist visit..
we just mingle with the student..
i know Taib, Satiya, Aimi, Haiqal , then ariff and Syuhada..
Taib n Satiya are slow learners, Haiqal deaf, Aimi and Syuhada Down syndrom..
At first.. honestly..
aku agak takut dengan diorg especially the DS children.. then look freakingly freak with such distictive faces and the act of reserved and emotionally unstable..
but after mingling.. borak2 sket.. and we prompt them to speak..
be nice..
be a suoper duper cool sister to them instead of being a total ass stranger
they're kinda cute..
and nice..
they're nice people..
diorg..org2 yang manja..
kaalau nak cakap dengan diorg.. kena amik perhatian.. and kalau diorg nak borak dengan kite
diorg akan pastikan kita punye mata adalah memandang mereka..
kita panggil..
nanti diorg cakap..
"What ainul.."
kalau korg tgk die cakp time tu..
mmg comel giler!
later.last friday.. aku pg lagi.. tis time diorg ade event..
sambut merdeka..
kitorg join skali..
lame da tak sambut macam nie..
lama da rupanye aku tinggal sekolah.. sampai lupa kemeriahan bersekolah..
kitorg 4 org dok kat belakang sekali..
betul2 belakang these special studens..
during the events..
a Down Syndrom, boys acts catch my eyes
He was very bersemangat .. and very responsive to the event compared to all his colleagues..
kejap2 dia kibar bendera..kejap2 kibar bendera..seronok betul dia..
seolah2 dia memang sangat menikmati kemeriahan majlis tersebut macam org sempurna laen..
padahal aku boley bet.. die tak paham ape2 p0n.. dia cuma seronok tgk org laen seronok..
then, during the last event..
we ought to sing some patriotik songs like KeranaMu Malaysia, Jalur Gemilang..
tetibe cam seronok pulak nyanyi nih..
never have i feel tis keseronokan menyanyikan lagu patriotik..
but u konw what..
during the singing..
there's this normal boy.. orr.. nope..not normal arus perdana boy.. ( bcoz, im not sure how normal they're...ahaks!)
aku tak tau ape ynag budak normal nih cakap kat die .. sapmai die menagamuk..
out of sudden.. budak ni marah2..
merah2 muka die..
semua org bergerak jauh dar dia..seolah2 dia akan bunuh org lepas nih..
tehn all of sudden, dia duduk dan..
dia nangis..
nape nak buat dia nangis?
kenapa kita tak boleh bagi die room to have the same feeling as we do?
why couldnt you just leave him alone!
why do you have to hurt his feeling..
he just wanted to have some fun.. that might be he not usually have..
why do you really have to do that?
hee..marah betul aku..
dia nak sambut hari kemerdekaan.. ape salahnye..
yg bagi aku hangin tu.. bdk yg buat die marah tuh..
bknnnyer bagi pot sgt kat event tuh... dengki la tuh bdk tuh suka sambut merdeka..
sunnguh la aku marah.
these people are special people..
hence, they're need special treat , special understanding, special penumpuan.. special learning skills,
they need us, the so-called normal people so that they can believe in themselve..
thjey need to believe that they are welcome in the society..
they're not mean people.. they're nice people..
we are the one who is mean..
we neglect them.. we a bundent them.. we treat them as a second class people..
why should we?
what give us the right to labelled them as a second class people..
what make us first?
ingatlah semua insan di muka bumi ini adalah sama di sisi Allah..
yang membezakan kita semua adalah keimanan a=dan ketaqwaan..
hugs and kisses..Fi Sabillilah
Berjumpa dengan Penyembah Kubur?
*“Apa pendapat abang keretamayat tentang orang berzikirdi kubur? Ada yang
kata mereka tu penyembah kubur, betul ke?”*
Tanya sorang sahabat di kedai Teh T...
10 hours ago