"Bagaimana kamu masih boleh melakukan maksiat sedangkan kamu tidak dapat bertahan dengan panasnya terik matahariKU" - Hadis Qudsi

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sangatlah tidak dapat dimergertikan oleh akal

Mengapa begitu?!

Anda sungguh hebat di mata saya wahai harun yahya.. bijak!

How can I say tis..

Juz now, aku bru jer habes bace tis book by my fav writer la itu harun yahya whom amazed me so damn much.. ( opss..mind the language..heh;D) .

(ohh.. ps: the book is never plead ignorance by harun yahya)

Then ini mamat telah menulis sesuatu yang biasanya disangkal oleh golongn materialist .. well actually he has always does.. so as to say.. b4 aku berlanjutan dalam menulis what I may think is true.. let me like beri sedikit explaination pasal ini golongan materialist.. mereka adalah golongan pemikir yang beroreantasikan teori bahawa semua benda terjadi secara sendirinya. . menolak sepenuhnya bahawa wujudnya Pencipta yang menciptakan setiap isi langit dan bumi..iaitu ALLAH azza wajalla .

Well , basically they’re all from Charles Darwin side.. u know Charles Darwin kan? Yg bg teori manusia dari beruk itu.. they’re all basically into evolution. Stating that manusia dari beruk , burung dari dinosaurs..all the reptiles are from the fish origin, stating that when the fish da bosan hidup kat laut, mereka menjejak ke bumi dan berevolusi.

With all due respect ..

Don’t you think they all are crapping?! I mean.. crapping yg mengarut gile! Don’t you think? Reptiles dari ikan?


Gila mereka ini..

Now let consider tis for a moment. What happen if one day, fish tetibe da bosan idup kat laut, then they decide to pass onto the land la konon2 mencari rezeki yg laen pula?
Do fish, gradually approaching the coast and reach the sand hv a chance of survival?
The answer is clear..hello?!! they all will soon mati la ayo!

Here are some pts i can thnk off ..( ye ke pikir sendiri..tp boley la..i mean..ade gk la yg rompak dari buku tuh..)

1. Carrying weight – land-dwelliing creature including us as human being us up to 40% of our energy just to carry our body. Whereas sea-dwelling creature hv no prob carrying their weight bcoz of all forces and pressure balancing

2. Retention of heat – land dwelling creature hv bodily mechanism that can withstand great temperature fluctuation, but in sea, temperature change gradually and tak occur witin a wide range

3. Use of water – essential for metabolism. Therefore my dear, the water and moisture need to be use in restriction manner as theres soo limited source of good water on land. For eg skin is designed to permit the loss of water to a certain extent-oso to prevent excessive evaporation. Land creature hv a sense of thirst , s0methng yg ikan xde.. got it? Ikan? Haus?

4. Kidney – to tapis discharges waste . ikan mane ade kidney ooii..! adoyai! There’s plenty of water in the sea la oii.. direct filtration je la..

5. Respiratory system – fish gune insang.. land creature mostly pakai lung.. then how from insang nk evolve jadik lung.. can arr?!

Got it you guys?!! There are more but it’ll definitely later fill up my blogs and entries pjg sangat nanti bosan pula..

For more, just google up for Harun Yahya..

Till then..

Wallahu a’lam..

“they said ‘Glory be to You! We have no knowledge except what You have taught us. You are the All-Knowing, the All-Wise – Surah Albaqarah ; 32)”

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